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Located in Vancouver's historic Stratchcona neighbourhood, the Tsung-Tsin Hakka Association is a non-profit and volunteer organization with the mission to foster and strengthen the relationships between Hakka people, and to promote multiculturalism and Hakka culture in Canada and to strengthen bonds between Hakka-Canadian groups and other cultural communities.

    The first Hakka Club was organized in Vancouver in 1944, by a group of Hakkas in the Chinese community. Among the leading pioneers were Messrs. Tee Wong, C. L. Wong, James Wong, Albert Hugh, and K. F. Tee. At that time, very few Hakkas could speak English and very often had difficulty communicating with even other Chinese as most of them spoke Cantonese, another Chinese dialect. It was almost impossible for them to find a job either in a white society or in Chinatown. Their life was miserable, lonely and depended on one another to survive. The club served a very useful purpose in helping the earlier Hakka immigrants, but unfortunately was later discontinued. 

    By the 1950s, the conditions for the Hakka immigrants began to improve. By the 60s, there were many thousand of Hakka immigrants in BC, with most of them living in Vancouver. In the late 60s, another group, including some of the pioneers mentioned aboved recognized the need to fraternize among the Hakka immigrants and to maintain the fine tradition of the Chinese culture and started an organization drive. This took a couple of years, and by late 1971, the Vancouver Tsung Tsin Association (the official name of the Hakka association) was formed and was registered on October 25th, 1971, as a non-profit charitable organization under the Societys Act. A few months later, the association purchased the building and property located ar 542 Keefer, Chinatown as the permanent address of the association. 

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Chair & President

Peter Chong | 張福和

Vice Chair

Ivy Chung | 鍾蘭英

Vice President
Secretary - Chinese

Chia Su-Ping | 謝仕平

Vice President
Secretary - English

Shau Kong Chin | 陳韶光


Lawrence Chin | 陳振光

Treasurer Secretary

Kenny Liau | 廖瑞強

General Services Group

Vincent Vung | 翁道宏

Welfare Group

Thomas Lee | 李強華

Public Relations &
Education Group

Larry Chin | 陳慶華

Research Group

Wallace Chu | 朱海林

Senior & Athletics
Unicorn Group

Vincent Chung | 鍾煥興

Women Group

Catherine Fung | 洪少梅

Recreation Group

Steve Chin | 陳友邦

Youth Group

Winston Fan | 范威福


Chai L Yin Siew | 蔡梁潤笑


Chay Kim Cheng | 謝劍青


Michael Chia | 謝豐發


Ahlay Chin | 陳雅莉


David Chin | 陳志衛


Chin Wai Ying | 陳惠英


Chris Chung | 鍾悅彬


Fan Qing Guang | 范清廣


David Fan | 范威勇


Lee Yan Ping | 李燕萍


Stanley Lee | 李玉偉


Leong Su Chai | 梁有才


Linda Lim | 陳玉蓮


Lo Poon Sung | 羅盤送


Kok Ah Lian | 郭亞蓮


Pang Li Jing | 彭麗靜


Philip Voo | 鄔寵華


Lily Wong | 黃莉莉


Yau Chee Chong | 姚自


Zeng Jacky Dao Hong | 曾道紅


Zheng Hui Lin | 鄭海麟

© Vancouver Tsung Tsin (Hakka) Association 2024

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